Making an order from is easy - select a bouquet, flower arrangment, flower basket or a gift from our catalogue and then click on the Order button below the product. After that follow the instructions for filling in the delivery form and paying the order. For a detailed description, please visit the page How to order? in the upper right side of our site.
We offer different payment options - with credit/international debit cards, through, bank transfer. After you fill in the delivery information, you can select your preferred payment option with additional instructions how to pay. For more details about payment options, please visit the page How to order? in the upper right side of our site or call us at +359 889 23 60 42.
Vanilla makes deliveries to Bulgaria and abroad
Vanilla makes all efforts to deliver the bouquets, arrangements and flower baskets as they look on the pictures in our catalogue, but on occasions due to seasonal and availability factors, we may substitude a particular flower, a pot or a product with one at same or higher value, by keeping the overall vision of the bouquet, arrangement, flower basket or product as much as possible similar to the chosen one
Vanilla makes same day deliveries to bigger towns in Bulgaria and next day deliveries to smaller destinations. When you select a product and destination then you can select the delivery date. If it is possible to make same day delivery for the selected destination you will be able to select the date, otherwise, you will be able to select the next working day
Call us at: +359 889 23 60 42 or send us an email with your requirements and we will try to fulfill them.
In the upper right side of our site, visit the page Order status, where you should fill in your order number, the date of order and your registration email and you will see the status of your order. There are three order statuses: 1. Your order is accepted, which means that we have received your order, but still wait for payment confirmation; 2. Your order is accepted and paid, which means that we have received payment confirmation; 3. Your order is fulfilled, which means that we have received confirmation of delivery of the flowers or other products you have ordered. In high periods such as Saint Valentine and 8th of March, it is possible that there are some delays in updating the status of your order, so you can contact us by phone for detailed info.